Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Round 2

So yesterday my husband got laid off.....again. He's already been off for 6 months this year. We just can't seem to get our head above the water. Currently we're treading water, but we have some mounting debt and some clinic bills that I would really like to get paid off.

We were planning on trying to get pregnant with our second child after the holidays. So far I think we're going to continue with this plan. There's no real reason why not too. Sure we're in a bit of a tight spot financially right now but I don't want this to be the deciding factor on whether or not we have another child. I definitely do NOT want our daughter to be an only child.

On a happier note, Charla is picking up so many new words and even adding some phrases! She says, "are you?" for "where are you" and "ha har" for "hat hair". She is too cute! She's also learned how to say the name of our dog "Dixie". She says that really clear.

Last week both Charla and I came down with something. Charla had a fever for about 3-4 days and I had a fever the first day with some general aches. I think Charla was having aches too because she kept grabbing her legs and whining. I have no idea what we had. We didn't go to the doctor since those were the only symptoms. At first I felt for sure we had come down with H1N1 but now I'm not so sure. I guess in the end it doesn't really matter. We are both better now!

I'm going to try to blog more regularly. Life gets so busy and I tend to forget. I am taking a break from the forum I usually visit though, so that should free up a good 2 hours of my day, UGH!

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